The Pirate's Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke

The Pirate's Wish - Cassandra Rose Clarke

Short Review:

This duology was amazing! I loved the characters and the adventure.


Long Reivew:

The Assassin's Curse (book 1) we meet Ananna of Tanarau, she is the daughter of a pirate capitin who has tried to marry her off to another pirate clan, due to this Ananna runs away, this causes the pirate clan she was suppose to join to send an assassin after her.


One night they run into each other and she accidentally activates a curse binding them together, to break the spell Aanna and the Assassin must complete the impossible tasks --all while grappling with evil wizards, floating islands, haughty manticores, runaway nobility, strange magic.


This was a fast past interesting read, it is so different from anything I have read before, and would highly recommended for anyone looking for something different and exciting or if you love any pirate-y.


I love the characters, and the strange magical creatures.


Give it a go!!